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Year 3 / 4

Karl Jenkins Class - Mrs Davies

Edward Elgar Class - Mr Offredi

Arthur Sullivan Class - Mrs Smith and Mrs Duddy

Welcome to our classes page. Please keep your eye out below for photos and updates about our learning. At the bottom of this page you will see a curriculum newsletter outlining our learning for each. 

Helping our teachers this year will be Mrs Hayes, Mrs Woollard, Mrs Carroll, Ms Simkins, Mrs Shaughnessy, Mrs Witt and Ms Plummridge

Our PE Days are Wednesday (Sullivan: outdoor, Jenkins and Elgar: indoor) and Friday (Sullivan: indoor, Jenkins and Elgar: outdoor). 

Please make sure the children come with appropriate PE kits, including safe footwear and no jewellery or earrings are allowed to be worn on these days. Please also make sure that as the weather changes warm clothing is provided for outdoor PE lessons.


Spellings will be shared on Dojo on a Monday. We expect the children to learn their spellings at home and in school. They will also be expected to use the spellings in their writing. Whilst we will not be formally assessing spellings through a test, these will be monitored informally through the curriculum and application.

For Maths homework, the children need to complete 15 minutes TT rock stars ( three times a week. In addition, children are required to practise multiplication tables and division facts to aid rapid recall. TT Rockstars will be monitored weekly, and we will have class competition and individual celebrations around these.  Times table recall is fundamental to many aspects of mathematics and being able to recall these fluently will significantly support other concepts in maths.

Reading: In Years 3/4 children need to read 3-5 times per week. Dojo points will be rewarded for 3, 4 and 5 times a week achievement. This will be checked on your child’s reading day. You will be notified of this day through Dojo. When the children read at home, it should be for the equivalent of at least 10 minutes and comprehension developed through questioning. They need to complete their reading record each time they read. We would very much appreciate you listening to your child read and discussing their book with them. Parents/carers should write a comment in their book, and we request that you sign your child’s reading record book too. Without a signature, the reward system cannot be awarded. Reading regularly at home will really help them to progress in reading and writing.

Your child will bring two books home: a reading for pleasure book and an Accelerated Reader book. Every time your child completes a book, they will take a quiz on AR (Accelerated Reader) where we can track their comprehension progress. Once complete, they will change their book. Your child’s reading diary will let you know what their reading ZPD (level) is. Once children have quizzed 3 times at 100%, they will move up a level within their ZPD.