At Burrowmoor, we recognise that music is a unique way of communicating that can inspire and motivate children. We aim to help children feel that they are musical and instil in them a life-long love of music. They will develop the musical skills, knowledge and understanding needed to become confident listeners, composers and performers.
Our curriculum introduces children to music from all eras and all around the world, teaching them to respect and appreciate music of all traditions and communities and to develop an understanding of the history and cultural context of the music.
Children are encouraged to sing and learn how to use their voices effectively. They learn to play tuned and untuned instruments, improvising and composing music whilst developing their understanding of the inter-related dimensions of music – tempo, dynamics, timbre, texture, pitch, structure and notation.
Throughout their time at Burrowmoor, children receive dedicated class music lessons following Kapow schemes of work, often linking the learning of musical skills to other areas of the curriculum. The gradual development of their skills year by year enables them to meet the end of Key Stage targets outlined in the national curriculum.
In addition to class music lessons, we have weekly music assemblies, primarily focusing on singing with the aim of introducing children to a wide range of musical styles. Live performances featuring a variety of orchestral instruments introduce our children to musical instrument families.
From Year 1, children are offered the opportunity to learn a musical instrument with specialist peripatetic teachers. Lessons on the recorder, flute, clarinet, ocarina, violin, cello, guitar, trumpet, tenor horn, trombone, drums and piano are all available. Parents who would like their children to have lessons, pay half termly fees. Children in receipt of Pupil Premium are supported by the school with subsidised lessons.
Our Music development plan is detailed below.